Tour Eiffel - Didouch

The VDF Gallery, a collaboration with artists of the French Touch

All through 2021, Vin De France stayed true to its trailblazing spirit by focusing on liberty of creation, handing over the reins to numerous French artists so that they could illustrate the 100% French Touch captured in the designation’s genetic make-up.

cocktail vin de france - Sauvignon Special

From a picnic on the Champs de Mars by Didouch, a VDF Cocktail at a pavement café in the Marais by Beax, or a wine tasting at a wine merchant’s by Gaëtan Heuzé, each of them took ownership of the Vin De France values that are Liberty, Quality and Creativity.

They were given free rein in this creative playing field to express their different universes!

Service - Gaëtan Heuzé

To see the artwork of these talented artists from the French scene visit our gallery here!

Explore the realms of Vin De France by discovering the different themes focusing on the world of wine.