Sardine Lasagna with Lemon Confit Fondue

Brush the sardine fillets with a mix of cumin, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Place the fillets flesh side down on a non-stick baking sheet.
Place in the oven, under the grill, and remove once the skin is grilled. Keep warm.
Place the onions, a large glass of water, olive oil, thyme, salt and pepper in a frying pan over high heat.
Cook until the water has evaporated and the onions are transparent.
Add the lemon confit and cook over low heat for 10 min. Keep warm.
Cook the lasagna sheets, lay them flat on a towel and dry them off. Cut them into 3 or 4 strips.
Place the lasagna strips in serving dishes, and top with a sardine fillet and a spoonful of lemon confit, and fold the lasagna over the top.
Serve hot.
Perfect wine pairing
More about this grape varietySauvignon Blanc de France
Sauvignon Blanc is a world-renowned star with very French roots. It is a favorite with palates of wine lovers thanks to its aromatic power, and especially its freshness and liveliness. The dream pairing: sardines and salty seafood. Sardine Lasagna with Citron Confit Fondue is the perfect pairing with Sauvignon Blanc. Indeed, this blue fish with a strong, salty flavor needs a tangy, exuberant wine that can stand up to it. It is also a perfect match for all seafood served raw or in sauces. These wines are also wonderful with white meats and raw cured ham. Sauvignon Blanc goes very well with light or marinated meats, such as chicken, as its liveliness softens and mellows out the meat. This is even truer when the chicken is served with fresh herbs or a dash of lemon juice.