Immersed in the artistic world from an early age, she first followed a musical curriculum. It is finally the drawing that imposes itself on her as an evidence. A few years later, she started as a freelance illustrator by creating Studio Louisanna.

The artist in 3 words
• creative • passionate • ambitious •
3 Parisian addresses where you like to enjoy cocktails? At the Pavillon des Canaux in the 19th district, @pavillondescanauxparis
at L’Artiste in the 11th district and @brasserie_lartiste
at Mama Shelter East in the 20th district @mamashelterpariseast
Your 3 favorite VDF cocktails Flower Rosé, Sauvignon Spécial, and the Chardo Mule
Your 3 favorite places to create In my studio, in the sun in a garden, and under a blanket with a cup of tea!
3 words that define you Creative, passionate, ambitious
at L’Artiste in the 11th district and @brasserie_lartiste
at Mama Shelter East in the 20th district @mamashelterpariseast
Your 3 favorite VDF cocktails Flower Rosé, Sauvignon Spécial, and the Chardo Mule
Your 3 favorite places to create In my studio, in the sun in a garden, and under a blanket with a cup of tea!
3 words that define you Creative, passionate, ambitious
Your 3 latest favorite creations? My 3 recent collaborations with cool creators: @maen_paper @alenoreparis and @antoinetteconamore
3 French songs that are always in your playlist "Le tourbillon de la vie" by Jeanne Moreau, "L’envie" by Ben Mazué, and "Old Man" by Neil Young
3 artistic movements that inspire you Impressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism.
Your 3 favorite places to create? The studio, a bit my couch, and my walks in Lyon.
3 French songs that are always in your playlist "Le tourbillon de la vie" by Jeanne Moreau, "L’envie" by Ben Mazué, and "Old Man" by Neil Young
3 artistic movements that inspire you Impressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism.
Your 3 favorite places to create? The studio, a bit my couch, and my walks in Lyon.