From July 23 to August 4, 2024 Vin De France settles in Paris! See you at the 59 Rivoli Gallery and on the pavement cafés!

From July 23 to August 4, the Vin De France appellation takes over the French capital by setting up its residence at the 59 Rivoli Gallery and in around thirty Parisian spots. The program includes the exclusive 'The Art of illustrating Vin De France' exhibition and entertainment at the cocktail terraces and must-visit wine bars. This event intends to showcase the avant-garde of wine this summer!

EN - VDF Expo - 59 Rivoli

Anivin de France is launching its first artistic patronage project!

Committed to promoting the avant-garde of wine, Vin De France, Anivin de France is now involved in artistic patronage to support young artists. The exhibition 'The Art of Illustrating Vin De France' is ambitiously unleashing creativity to revitalize the world of wine.

The selection of artists was made through a call for creation, offering a real opportunity for emerging talents. From the end of 2023, Anivin de France has asked art schools, incubators, artist residencies as well as members of the Vin De France community to join this adventure. Among the applications received, six young illustrators were selected for their ability of capturing the very essence of the Vin De France "French Touch" through their art.

Their creations, 24 works in total, will be exclusively exhibited at the 59 Rivoli Gallery in Paris this summer, and will be available as prints at the Slow Galerie.

The exhibition 'The Art of illustrating Vin De France' at the 59 Rivoli Gallery

For 15 days, the creativity of Vin De France winemakers and winegrowers meets that of the new wave of illustrators at the 59 Rivoli Gallery - the former squat that has become an artist incubator.

An immersive space will place visitors at the very heart of the Vin De France creation process, allowing them to grasp the singularity and modernity of the wine labels and the freedom granted by the appellation. Creativity in Vin De France is expressed in and on the bottle...

Where? 59 Rivoli Gallery, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris 

When? From Tuesday July 23 to Sunday August 4 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Closed on Mondays)

VDF Expo - 59 Rivoli


The common thread of the exhibition? Highlighting the works of 6 young artists, revealed through a call for creation. Their works display their sensitive interpretations of the biodiversity in the vineyards, and illustrate the motto “Liberty, Quality, Creativity” of Vin De France, VDF Cocktails, and Parisian terraces. So many themes to proudly express the DNA of the French national designation.

Among the numerous works of art, visitors can also discover the creations signed by the pioneers of the Vin De France collective (Didouch, Mathilde Bel, Beax and Franckie Alarcon - the exhibition’s patron), who have illustrated the Vin De France avant-garde for several years on the Instagram account @vindefrancewines.

A whole host of paintings: 28 works to discover in a thematic tour!

Liberty, Quality, Creativity

Vin De France carries a clear message: Liberty, Quality and Creativity! Didouch's vibrant and electric work sets the tone from the start, allowing VDF's DNA to be conveyed from the entrance to the exhibition. A motto like a triptych to proclaim, draw and write loud and clear!





Vin De France winemakers adopt environmentally friendly practices. Their commitment is reflected in the presence, in their vineyard plots, of earthworms and even bats! Like the work of Franckie Alarcon, these illustrations aim to portray these sensitive ecosystems, symbolizing daily attention to biodiversity. This requires the harmonious cohabitation of plant species (thanks to agroforestry, the planting of hedges and shrubs, grassing or seedlings between rows of vines, etc.) and animal species (insects, wildlife, pollinators, birds, small rodents...).

Franckie Alarcon



"Art de Vivre"

Bold wines, author wines, bistro wines, craft wines... Vin De France embodies the French lifestyle, combining chic, elegance and spontaneity. The art works in this collection are designed as paintings of urban life in the picturesque setting of Paris: the pavement cafés, a privileged place to enjoy a glass of Vin De France! At a table in a wine bar or brasserie, with a view, an invitation to take a front row seat to the Parisian show, as Mathilde Bel illustrates so well.

Mathilde Bel



Mix & Match

The creativity of Vin De France takes over the cocktail sphere! With the Chardo Mule®, Sauvignon Special, Rosé Mule, Flower Rosé, Merlot Mule, and Red & Roses recipes, the wines are enhanced with Ginger Beer or Tonic Water, with a dash of lime juice or an ounce of cucumber, hibiscus or rose syrup. The result is astonishing mixological creations that promote French grape varieties and allow you to experience wine differently! These artworks reveal both the recipes and identity of each cocktail. As an appetiser, Beax, creates a perfect mix of colors and flavors to compose the ideal balance specific to VDF Cocktails!


The experience continues with a glass of VDF in around thirty spots

Within 20 to 30 minutes walking distance from the “The Art of illustrating Vin De France” exhibition, lovers of fine wines and fresh cocktails will discover 30 spots that reveal the Vin De France avant-garde.

  • In each wine bar, Vin De France’s gems will be in the spotlight: creative wines, author wines, varietal wines, ... tastings that promise great discoveries! As for cocktail terraces, Vin De France invests the sunniest spots in the capital!
  • Discover the delicious VDF Cocktail recipes during tasting workshops and themed evenings. Enjoy the new trendy wine cocktails for this summer of 2024!

The 15 wine bars showcasing the Vin De France avant-garde

Where? In Paris, in 15 partner establishments

When? From Tuesday July 23 to Sunday August 4


The 22 cocktail terraces showcasing the Vin De France avant-garde

Where? In Paris, in 22 partner establishments

When? From Tuesday July 23 to Sunday August 4